10 ultimate new year resolution to save money, be healthy and grow rich

It is not exactly the stuff you expect me to write on. But friends this is a holiday season, and I took a break from usual mutual fund, insurance stuff. The year gone by was eventful in many ways. Year of break-ups, Brexit, Tata sons, Trump, demonetisation, cyclone Vardha, not to forget the surgical attack! Most of the event made me sad! Never mind. I am determined to make a cheerful begining this year. And, I just can’t wait sharing those ideas to keep myself busy, with you all. Some money saving, some investment towards a truly rich life.

Second income

1.To pool is cool – I am a bit lazy to be a mumbaikar! But nevertheless canning it everyday is not disreable for your pocket nor a good choice. So, I have decided to use pool cab/share cab to share my ride and save some money. Dude, it’s eco-friendly too!
2. Save and then spend – Saving money is the most difficult thing to do is what I also agree. So, put the MUTUAL FUND SIP date fixed exactly next day to your salary. So that you can’t see the money in your account, consider it as an mandatory expense.

3. Don’t be in hurry – keep calm and enjoy life –Every action may not yield immediate result. Learn to be patient. Similarly, don’t judge your investment a and be restless for profits. Relax.
4. Redesign old clothes, accessories, furniture – The wardrobe cannot stay same for lifetime, however, we can always do some redesigning of your existing clothes and give a fresh look. It will renew your existing cupboard, you may need to buy fewer clothes. You may do similar by refurbishing your furniture, bed and sofas. 
5. Share your Pizza – If you cannot give up junk food, at least eat less! Always order when you have a company to share, splitting the bill may not be cool all the time, but sharing food is always!
6. Take up a hobby – Don’t get the feeling of getting bored creeping in you. It’s never made to take up a hobby. It will keep you fresh and happy. It will give your creativity a much needed outlet. Starting from knitting wool, baking cookies, pottery Painting, photography or writing poems. Do what your heart says. You will be a happier person.
7. Do a health check-up – This is for peace. You have the responsibility of your well being. Don’t wait for symptoms. Include a yearly health check-up in your diary. It gives you an upper hand over possible ailments. Stay healthy. Blood donation is also one way of keeping track of your health. It also serves a good social purpose.
8. Donate to your house-help – Philanthropy  has been always been a topic of discussion. Why not start at home? Either than looking out for NGOs, share your old clothes, extra groceries, books and furniture to them? It will enhance your goodwill than anything else. Do for somebody who is so closely associated with your daily life.
9. Window shopping is a good therapy – apart from feel good, my aim is to help you all save money (joking) but window shopping is real stress buster, if you haven’t planned a free day. Stop from Amazon or PayTM, but do pay visit to bear by shopping mall for some lone outing or with friends.
10. Enjoy 2017. A new year, a new beginning. Start a fresh. 
Wish you all a great year ahead 


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